Welcome to

Little Stoke Primary School

dream - plan - achieve

T: 01454 866522

Little Stoke Lane
Little Stoke, Bristol, BS34 6HY
Headteacher: Dan Ross


Year Three


Class teacher: Mrs Cook

Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the termly overviews.

Term 1:


Term 2:

PE: Tuesday.  Please ensure your child comes to school in PE uniform on this day.

Forest school: Thursday morning.  Children need to come to school wearing forest school clothes and bring school uniform to change back into.

Term 3:

PE: Friday.  Please ensure your child comes to school in PE uniform on this day.

Forest school: Thursday afternoon. Children need to come to school wearing school uniform and bring forest school clothes to change into.

Term 4:

PE: Wednesday and Friday.  Please ensure your child comes to school in PE uniform on these days.

Term 5:

PE:  Friday.  Please ensure your child comes to school in PE uniform on these days.

Forest school: Wednesday afternoon.  Children need to come to school wearing school uniform and bring forest school clothes to change into.

Term 6:

Forest School:  Wednesday morning. Children need to come to school wearing forest school clothes and bring school uniform to change back into.