Welcome to

Little Stoke Primary School

dream - plan - achieve

T: 01454 866522

Little Stoke Lane
Little Stoke, Bristol, BS34 6HY
Headteacher: Dan Ross


Little Stoke Primary School Website

Please see our Facebook Page for the latest news and updates about LSPS:

Little Stoke Primary Facebook Page

We are very proud of being a school where the aim is to create a happy, stimulating and calm learning environment that promotes development of self-confidence and good relationships. In this way, children achieve high standards academically and socially as well as broadening their life experiences and cultural awareness.

Little Stoke School is a purposeful learning community where both adults and children can develop learning skills, understanding and awareness. We expect high levels of achievement from everyone and encourage an attitude of hard work and responsibility. We aim to identify learning needs effectively and support individuals well; standing alongside children as they develop…read more

Upcoming Dates
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