Attendance Matters
At Little Stoke Primary School we believe that regular and punctual attendance at school, are key elements in promoting children’s learning and attainment. Only by regular attendance can children access the quality education that is offered at our school. We believe that regular attendance should be 98% or higher.
We are therefore, committed to the following principles: –
- To encourage all pupils to attend school and achieve their maximum potential.
- To promote good attendance throughout the school, aiming for at least 96.4% for the academic year
- To monitor attendance and use attendance data to work towards agreed targets.
- To work in partnership with parents and carers in promoting excellent attendance and punctuality, as well as the LA and other agencies
Please take some time to read our attendance policy on our policies page:
By law, schools can not authorise holidays during term time. Absences which total over 10 sessions across 7 weeks could result in a Penalty Notice may be issued to a parent. Please see South Gloucestershire’s guidance below:
Penalty Notice Leaflet for Parents
Little Stoke Primary School employs Education Welfare Services to support the improvement in attendance for all pupils and all groups of pupils.
At Little Stoke we have a diverse range of pupils from many different backgrounds with a range of different views on attendance. We track attendance of many of these different groups and work with families and individuals where attendance has dipped.