Chair of Governor
At Little Stoke Primary we have a very active group of Governors with a range of backgrounds and experience in business, education and finance, as well as parent Governors.
School Governors have a legal duty to make sure that the children in the school receive the very best education and the Governors also set the strategic direction of the school and agree policies.
Information about our Governors can be found on this website and you may have seen some of us in school because we are frequent visitors. We welcome contact with parents and whenever we can we attend events at the school.
We meet regularly with the Head Teacher and Deputy Head for progress reports and updates. In addition to full Governing body meetings we monitor progress through two other committees dealing with Finance & Buildings and Staffing & Curriculum.
The school’s ethos is central to everything we do and we are pleased to be involved with the development of the school.
Mick Kew
Chair of Governors